EVU Teams Information

Fall 2024 season will start the week of 9/9 and will end on our last Saturday gameday on 10/26. We’ll host games weekly on Saturday starting 9/21 from 10-12 at Century Fields. Team emails won’t be regularly checked until start of season. Email eric@evultimate.org if you have any questions.

ATA Middle School

Coaches: Taylor White

Practices: Time TBD | Graham Fields

Contact: ATAultimate@evultimate.org

Monroe Middle School

Coaches: Eric Rosenfeld

Practices: T/TH: 3:45-5: 15 | Ascot Fields

Contact: eric@evultimate.org

Hamlin Middle School

Coaches: Joel Martin

Practices: TBD

Contact: hamlinultimate@evultimate.org

Spencer Butte Middle School

Coaches: Eli Casper, Emmett Warner

Practices: T/TH | 3:45-5:15 | Spencer Butte Fields

Contact: sbultimate@evultimate.org

Middle School

Kelly Middle School

Coaches: Alex Howard

Practices: Time TBD | Kelly Fields

Contact: kellyultimate@evultimate.org

Roosevelt Middle School

Coaches: Acacia Hahn

Practices: T/TH| 3:45-5:15 | Century Fields

Contact: Arkin.russell@gmail.com

Kennedy Middle School

Coaches: India John

Practices: T/TH| 3:45-5:15| Churchill Sports Park

Contact: kennedyultimate@evultimate.org

Shasta Middle School

Coaches: Will Watkins, Jaydra Rotolante

Practices: M/W | 3:45-5:15 | Shasta Grass Fields

Contact: will.watkins@bethel.k12.or.us

Spring 2024 season will start the week of 9/9. We’ll host games weekly on Saturday starting 9/21 until 10/26 at Century Fields from 12-2.

We also will be hosting a city wide high school practice on Wednesdays starting 9/11 from 4-6 at Graham Fields. These practices will be open to anyone playing in our league, and will be a great way for some of our newer players and teams to get some reps in with our more experienced players.

Team emails won’t be regularly checked until start of season. Email eric@evultimate.org if you have any questions.

High School

Churchill High School

Coaches: Gunter Przystawik

Practices: T/TH 3:45-5:15 | Churchill Sports Park

Contact: churchillultimate@evultimate.org

North High School

(Logo in the works)

North High School

Coaches: Ari Munro

Practices: M/F 4-5:30 | Location TBD

Contact: Northultimate@evultimate.org

Sheldon High School

Coaches: Eric Rosenfeld

Practices: M/F 4-5:30| Ascot Fields

Contact: eric@evultimate.org

Willamette High School

Coaches: Justin “Chalky” Carter

Practices: T/TH 4-5:30 | Shasta Grass Fields

Contact: djchalkybeats@gmail.com